Monday, February 19, 2007


I’ve been currently unemployed for almost three months; while it has had its ups it has definitely has had its downs! This has been a very difficult time, as each day that passes and I haven’t gotten a call from any prospective employers the smaller the light at the end of the tunnel gets. This situation ties in with my previous post about waiting! I can’t believe how painful it is to wait, it’s like, every day that passes seems to chip away at my block of hope!

It has been a really trying time! But as usual, I know that God has me in the palm of His hand! It’s funny that when God has a message for you, that you will get it no matter what! During this season of my life, the message I kept getting was the one of Joseph! The dude had it rough! His brothers sold him into slavery, he got thrown into jail for a crime he didn’t commit, but he never let go of God! He never once gave up and decided he could do it on his own. For a while I was battling, wondering why I was going thru what I'm going thru and what God was try to tell me about this and how this Joseph gwan relates to me. I haven’t been thru nearly as much as young Joseph had but I was in a difficult place!

My revelation is dreams… Yeah dreams. God plants your dreams in your heart and it’s up to you to pursue it! And, if you are truly with God then he will guide your steps! God will direct you from where you are to where you need to be. So like Joseph he had to go thru some super tough times in order to reach his “promised land”. Wow! So as I’ve been discouraged lately I know that as long as I’m doing every thing in my power to change my situation then all that is left is for me to wait on the Lord! Wait in Him! I cannot see the big picture at the moment but I know that the cogs are turning in the machine that will bring my dreams, which God planted into my heart, to a reality! Break through, Coming Soon....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The realisation that life is just gangsta! (MY Pursuit of Happiness)

Everyone, I have just realised that life is just not fair! Yeah, I know what you are all thinking! Why did it take me so long to realise that! Why does life have you wait…. Wait for everything!!! I know that good things come to those who wait and that you appreciate everything that you wait for but…. Please, the wait is just so long and so painful! The worst part is when you wait when the returns of your wait are very uncertain!

Eish… Anticipation is one of the worst feelings in the world! It leads you to do things before the time is right which in turn spoils the surprise and you miss out on what would have been the best present in the world! It is human nature to want to know what the surprise is but then be disappointed once the present has been opened ahead of time. You feel like you have been waiting in vain and that the present wasn’t that great after all or you realise how special the present is and wish you has waited.

What does it take to be happy? To try open the present before its time and be disappointed or to wait for the right time and be disappointed then, or lastly, to find happiness after the wait? Those are the only possible outcomes! As much as the dilemma seems unbearable there only happens to be one option! Wait! Rather wait trusting that the present was worth the wait than open the present ahead of time and end up spoiling the surprise!