Saturday, November 18, 2006

Let Go, Let Flow

As y’all can probably got from the title from this post and the picture, which in now synonymous with most of my posts. I’m talking about this great movie that Miss Muda had already blogged about and has encouraged me to watch but only watched last night. Now apart from the obvious theme of love which cuts deep into the soul and really makes you evaluate the way you view relationships and the importance of them. I, on the other hand have Something New to tell you, it’s a similar theme but focused differently, something that really struck me in this awesome movie.

Theme that hit me almost immediately, like in the first ten minutes of watching that brilliant movie, was that of conformity. Everyone conformed to a certain lifestyle. A certain way to talk, a certain way to act, a certain way to dress, having certain colours they could paint their houses, to even having a certain type of job that is socially acceptable. People in this movie where really set in their ways and remained in the type-cast stereotypes that society had put them to be in, society really being themselves. It really hit me that this is a reality for so many people in so many different levels.

As you guys know I refuse to be put into a box, to be cast in a mould of someone’s false perceptions of what life should be. But as I watched this movie I realised some of the ways I have been conforming and not letting go and letting flow as the movie encourages. We build our own destinies on what society has us think our destinies should be rather than just really going with our heart. Guys we should not live in bondage to the moulds that a crumbling society would have us live in. The barriers that we see, the obstacles in our way to our destiny are put there by ourselves through our submissiveness to conformity.

The ability to let go and let flow is what frees us. Where we know that there is no wrong path to our goals. Are we not individuals? Are any of your fingerprints the same as mine? Well, so what makes you think that our paths to our individual destiny are the same either? I know it seems almost comforting to have your path laid out in front of you and to live an automaton life, I assure you though you will not find satisfaction. Look at what happened when Kenya tried to conform to the relationship she thought she had always wanted, the socially acceptable path. A deep misery and emptiness filled her because that was not her path or her destiny. We often listen to the other voice that always questions why, instead of the one that says why not.

Wow, I cannot explain how this makes me feel when I see people wanting so hard to conform when they obviously don’t fit the mould, especially when they have a better destiny but are just settling. It rucks me HARD! (I need to breathe…..) Ok I’m preaching again… So I’ll rap it up! Here is all you need to take away from having read this post. Firstly, watch that movie, its deep! Secondly, never conform because you have your own path! Take it! And thirdly, live your life spontaneously, do and try Something New as often as you can, step out of your comfort zone… Let go, let flow!


Fiona said...

Awesome new blog look! Did you use a template or design it yourself? You've inspired me to start the search for something new and more unique looking - wish I knew how to design my own!

Now as for this post, many eProps to you! I already thought you were a pretty good writer and I can't quite put my finger on the change recently but I was reading this post and the last one and thought to myself, "Ndumi's writing is getting really good!"

So please keep blogging, keep posting, keep bestowing your thoughts, revelation and wisdom upon us. :)

Don 'Lidzi said...

Bra for real!! It's such a snitch when ppl wanna box u.. more of a snitch when u box urself.

The only conformity is to Christ, otherwise, u should be urself and open urself up to the endless possibility God has to offer.

They say He gives us life, and life more abundantly, then we go and constrain our minds and our lives.

I wish everyone could see the light.

Yours truly

Capt. Non-Conformist