Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. I am an introvert! But I'm not shy!

2. I have watched and enjoyed 2 seasons of the Gilmore Girls with friends (who wish to remain anonymous).

3. Sometimes I feel like a nomad, I’m always moving from one place to another (not always by choice)!

4. I have been DJing since the age of about 10!

5. I once wanted to do drama in university! I wanted to be an actor. But, being African my dad said NO!

6. When I’m by myself I am a very serious person and I think a lot!!! I don’t think I even smile when I’m chillin’ by myself.

7. I believe family is the most important gift from God! I would die for mine!

8. The number 25 is so far off and I don’t think I can come up with anything else!

9. I am random and spontaneous!!! I love trying new things at least once, except for swim in the shark infested waters of Adelaide.

10. I love singing!!! Especially when worshipping God!!!

11. I have a tattoo and am considering getting two more!

12. I am a tech geek! I like to know what the latest developments in technology are! I’m a bit behind these days but only because of fiscal reasons!

13. I’m secretive!!! I keep things that are very important to me close to my chest!

14. I love babies but I am officially not a baby person because they cry when I hold them! But I look forward to the day I become a father!

15. I’m really bad at staying in touch with people!

16. If my house was burning down the three things I would take with me is my NJKV Bible, my laptop (because I have sermons on there) and my PlayStation 3 (for the same reason)!

17. I hate flying, its just stressful, but I love visiting new places and travelling!

18. I love long distance driving, by myself! It’s peaceful and relaxing and the feeling of escape is fantastic! An 8 and a half hour drive feels like only 2 or 3 hours.

19. I write a journal but I never read over it! I don’t see the point of reading it, I already know what is in there!

20. I am an entrepreneur! I am always seeing new potential business ventures!

21. I’m proudly Zimbabwean! I don’t like it when people talk ill of my country! I know there are problems and my heart is to see them get fixed.

22. I would love to drive a Bugati on the Autobahn. No speed limits baby!

23. I hate maths!

24. I am an African Metrosexual! Which means to an African I’m a metrosexual and to a metrosexual I’m just plain African!

25. I am addicted to BBC, CNN and Cartoon Network!

1 comment:

Linds said...

As your wife i would have to say a lot of these remain the same.... But Gilmore girls? I never imagined that. Hahaha!!!! Some ammendments necessary now though.